Consider searching for second eight-week classes and other classes that have not yet started. Instructors may not approve your add request if you’ve missed too much of the semester.
You’ll get a “W” (withdrawn) on your transcript for any class you drop. Withdrawing from a class doesn’t protect you from the consequences of academic misconduct.
If you want to drop all your classes, you’ll need to withdraw from the university.
To withdraw from a class after the automatic W deadline, you will still go to , however after the deadline you will encounter a bright yellow warning box before you get to the list of your enrolled classes, letting you know you that approval, and a non-GPA relevant “W” are not automatic. Following the end of the Auto-W period, a withdrawal requires approval of both the instructor and the program coordinator or dean of the offering school.
Withdrawals during this period are generally approved when there are articulated, urgent reasons relating to extended illness or equivalent distress. , instructors may “approve” a late withdrawal with a grade of “F,” if student is failing the class at the time of the late withdrawal request. If you are worried about your GPA, talk with your instructor to see if there are better options available.
This late withdrawal period extends to the last day of scheduled classes (not the exam period) for the semester or session.
Learn about your grades
Withdrawal after the last day of scheduled classes for the semester or session ends requires submitting a Late Withdrawal Petition, with supporting documentation, to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (EVCAA). The Late Withdrawal Petition is reserved for the most exigent of circumstances related to extended illness, death of family or close associate or similar distress.
Procure the Late Withdrawal Petition (colloquially called “The Purple Form”) from Student Central. Complete the form; prepare a typed personal statement, explaining your circumstances during the past semester, and address why you were unable to withdraw by any of the prior stated deadlines. If reasons relate to illness or death of your or close associate or family member, attach documentation such as a statement of service with dates from a medical provider; obituary or funeral program. Print and attach a copy of your student schedule for the past semester you seek Late Withdrawal from. Bring the assembled petition packet to Student Central, who will forward it to the Executive Vice Chancellor for review.
Per campus policy, Student Central must receive completed, documented Late Withdrawal Petitions on or before these dates for consideration by the EVCAA:
- March 15th for preceding Fall semester
- September 1st for preceding Spring semester
- November 1st for preceding Summer semester
The cycle time for a late withdrawal petition is 4-6 weeks as the EVCAA’s office does seek feedback from your instructors as part its review. Decisions are sent by that office to your IU e-mail account, and to the Office of the Registrar to amend your record, if necessary.